Hello and Happy Thanksgiving from my house to yours. Let us all be grateful and thankful and full,of love, because we are so blessed. For me, I am thankful for my hubby, my children, and grandchildren, all of my extended family, and my wonderful friends, some of whom I have had as friends for 50 plus years. For my warm, comfortable home, for everything in nature, for sunshine, and for YARN!!!! I am thankful that I can do these things, albeit with hindrances at times (Arthur..itis, mostly), knitting and crocheting and crafting, as they make me happy.
It's Heaven because today is my FAVORITE day of the year. Even now, a big, plump turkey is in the oven, and the scents that are coming from the kitchen are heavenly! My house still needs some picking up, and I need to get the leaves into the table, and set it, but I have plenty of time for that. It's always a last minute rush getting the last minute things done, but I don't mind. And by 6:00 this evening, I will be full, and EXHAUSTED!, but happy. Family is coming, and we will have a wonderful dinner, some wine, much talking and planning for Christmas, and I will love every minute of it. And we will have more memories to add to the many we have from years gone by and people gone, but not forgotten. We always talk of memories.... Of mom and dad, our big family of seven boys and four girls, our childhood, and the Thanksgivings and Christmases when our parents filled our lives, and then when we gave memories to our children to pass down, hopefully, to their children.
Everything for dinner is coming along. I made my pies yesterday, and the stuffing for the turkey, peeled and chopped the vegetables, and got all the dishes out. We went out for subs, so that I would have a more restful evening, (thank you, honey), and came back for some little apple turnovers and tea. No fireplace to sit by, but we were together, and that's what counts.
I wish for you that you will take a few moments to reflect on how fortunate you are, despite whatever problems you have, and be thankful for the life God has given you! May you have family and friends around you, and seize the day! Later.............JO
Sharing my experiences of getting older, but at the same time trying to find ways to live life to the fullest, and not let the "age" thing get me down!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Santa's Elf
I've been working like one of Santa's elves, like the rest of you. Making decorations, gifts, etc. I KNOW I'm not going to get it all done in time for Christmas. I should have started in July! Next year, next year! But it is so fun! The squares above are for my grandaughter's blanket, which is coming along nicely. Also, making hats, wristies, a Halloween bowl ( I know someone who LOVES Halloween), some little bags, pot holders, washcloths, etc., etc.
Yesterday was my football day, and both my teams won.. Hehe. I made another batch of applesauce, and we had breakfast for dinner. Scrambled eggs with cheese in them, (Vermont cheddar), and corned beef hash! All favorites in this house. It was a cold, damp, dreary day, as it has been for several days now, so I was cuddled up with a quilt, and my yarn, and crochet hook. Fun day!!

Back to work. See you.......Later.......JO
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Gorgeous, Beautiful, And Thank You, Lord!!
Hello, all! A couple of days ago, my grandson woke me up at about 6 a.m., and said "Get up quick, you have got to see this". Of course, since that was a day I did NOT have to take him to work, (his car is down), I was not a happy camper. I wanted to sleep in!!!! I went to the front door, following him, in my pj's, and this is what we saw to our East. I don't think I have ever seen anything like it. My photos do not do it justice, because I am not a photographer, like some of you wonderful girls out there, but I grabbed my IPad, and took these before it went away.

So, I got up and made a cup of,tea, and got back to work on my gift for Stephanie, of Crochethapy, with whom I am participating in a swap. I can't show you what I made her yet, cause it is on its way to her now, and I don't want to spoil it for her. I really hope she likes it. And I was so tickled to do it. The swap, I mean. I have never done anything like that before. So that was fun.
In the meantime, I am back to work on my grandaughter's blanket, which is coming along nicely, and I will be starting a few smaller projects also, as I like to work on different things at the same time. Keeps me from getting bored ; keeps things interesting.
And of course, I am getting ready for Thanksgiving, (My Very Favorite Holiday of the year, in case you didn't know!), as we are having eight for dinner including ourselves, and as you all know, it is a lot of work. It is work that I love, tho. I found Macintosh apples, which are usually found in the Northeast, but not found easily here. So there will be apple pie, and mince meat pie, and pumpkin pie. The first two I make myself, but I never make pumpkin. I don't know why, I just don't. So my brother-in-law gets it for me at Costco.
So that's what I have been doing. And I am counting my Blessings, as I have so much to be thankful for, such as that beautiful sunrise. I'll see you......Later.......JO
Monday, November 18, 2013
So Sorry!
I'm so sorry I posted about the dark day. But you know, I just let it slip away. Sometimes, it's not that easy, but yesterday, I crocheted, cooked a little, watched football and after awhile, I was feeling much better. I hate bad dreams. They can sure spoil a mood.
Anyway, in better news, I won a contest over at Crochetapy for her blogaversary/swap. So now I am frantically looking for something to send her. No, not really. I have a couple of ideas, and I am working on them. I thought about that yesterday; how nice it was to win a nice little thing like that, and how nice it is to have blogger "friends". I am so glad I started blogging and I am so glad to have all these interesting blogs to read. I love seeing what all of you are doing, what projects you are working on, and what ideas you share. Thank You!
So I am working on some things to swap with Stef, and working on some things for Christmas gifts, and some things that are just plain fun! So I will see you all ....... Later........JO
Anyway, in better news, I won a contest over at Crochetapy for her blogaversary/swap. So now I am frantically looking for something to send her. No, not really. I have a couple of ideas, and I am working on them. I thought about that yesterday; how nice it was to win a nice little thing like that, and how nice it is to have blogger "friends". I am so glad I started blogging and I am so glad to have all these interesting blogs to read. I love seeing what all of you are doing, what projects you are working on, and what ideas you share. Thank You!
So I am working on some things to swap with Stef, and working on some things for Christmas gifts, and some things that are just plain fun! So I will see you all ....... Later........JO
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
'Ya think?
I'm sitting out on the patio. There is such a nice breeze today that I actually hear it rustling through the orange trees. The oranges and grapefruit are ripening slowly and should be ready about the end of December into January, by the way. This is my latest WIP, which I am making for my grandaughter, who is in her second year of college.
So today, I thought I would take a little ME time, and work out here all by my lonesome. It's so nice out here. I don't know why I don't do this more often. Those first two pics are from yesterday, when I was sitting on the bed working and watching tv with hubby, and having one of my favorite snacks. An apple; oh, and a couple of marshmallows. Anyway, I digress. I was sitting here today crocheting and thinking. Crocheting is a very contemplative time, I find. I was thinking of my granddaughter, then my mind wandered to what I might make for dinner. I found this recipe (from Better Homes and Gardens magazine), but I guess the recipe came from Recipe.com. It's a great quick meal to make and I serve the meatballs with rice and a veggie. Mmmmmmm!
Well, I got to thinking - I wonder what all of you think about while you are crocheting, or knitting, or sewing. I think of all sorts of things, probably like you do. I wonder how long it is going to take me to make this blanket, and will I get all my gifts made in time for Christmas, and I wonder how my daughter is doing. What am I going to make for her? And I think of your blogs, your WIP's, your walks on the beach or in the woods, or just down the lane. All sorts of things. But it is calming. I don't worry. I think about happy things. Crocheting gives me that. Does it do that for you? What do you think about?
Well, that's what I was thinking about. We'll see you .......Later.......JO
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Two Days Away!

We travelled for about three hours, with several stops in between, and to tell the truth, there isn't much to see on the way down there, so that was just traveling. But we talked and decided what we'd do once we got there. I had researched a few hotels, B & B's, and we had kind of decided on the Hacienda Del Sol.
It was a little pricey (for us), but we were only staying one night, so we said "What the heck!" We really loved the place. There was a beautiful fireplace that we almost fell asleep in front of that night, and a wonderful library full of very old books.

As I said, this is a very old establishment, built in or before 1929 , open as a college preparatory school with only 28 girls, and names like Vanderbilt, Spalding, Westinghouse, etc. attending. It wasn't until 1948 that it was opened as a guest ranch, and later visited by such celebrities as John Wayne, Spencer Tracy, Clark Gable, and Katherine Hepburn. In 1995, having been somewhat neglected for many years, it was purchased by Tucson investors, who have spent considerable time refurbishing it to its former glory, yet keeping to the true character of the ranch. It is very Southwest, and is magnificent in its design, color, and comfort. We really enjoyed it and would go there again. We loved the idea of all the history involved. The landscaping was beautiful, with cactus, flowers, trees, and yard art. I enjoyed walking around and taking photos.

We went down there, in particular, because I wanted to see some fall color, which, sadly, there was very little of!

Saturday, November 2, 2013
Yard sales, Crocheting and a Leaf!
So, I've been to a few yard sales lately, and my hubby was with me one day, and HE actually found these blue white porcelain things for me, that is the two on the right. He doesn't usually go to yard sales with me, but on this particular day, he saw these two and pointed them out to me, as I have two larger windmills a lot like this one, and then I loved the Dutch lady, so he bought me both! $5. The house I had found a few days before for $1. Aren't they just the cutest!! They aren't very tall, maybe four inches. I love yard sales.
Today, I went to a couple of yard sales and got some fabric, for 25 cents apiece, small pieces, maybe a half yard or a yard, but nice for lining a purse, or backing for a crocheted pillow, etc., and I got this pitcher for $2. I love the pitcher with the pretty flowers. Wouldn't it be pretty in the Spring all filled with yellow, pink, and green flowers! That's what I thought of as soon as I saw it.
One last thing is the leaf I picked up today, outside the nursing home, where I visited my brother-in-law's mother, who is 92. As I came out, I found this pretty little leaf on the sidewalk. I don't know what kind of a tree it was, as I am not that familiar with Arizona trees. On Monday, hubby and I are taking a two day trip down Tucson way, to do a little leaf peeping, as I understand the colors are about at peak there. And I'd like to go in the woods, and collect some leaves, berries, and a few branches. I miss not being able to go out and walk in the woods, so it will be fun if I can do that even for 15 minutes. Hubby was not really that keen on going, as he can't walk with me and he worries that he won't feel well, and will spoil my outing. But I am very observant of him when we do these things, and we will do ok. He enjoys it once he goes, but he is a worrier now that he is unwell and older. He was sweet to agree to go, as he knows I don't get to do these things nearly as often as I'd like to. We will take it slow and do what we can manage.
Today, I went to a couple of yard sales and got some fabric, for 25 cents apiece, small pieces, maybe a half yard or a yard, but nice for lining a purse, or backing for a crocheted pillow, etc., and I got this pitcher for $2. I love the pitcher with the pretty flowers. Wouldn't it be pretty in the Spring all filled with yellow, pink, and green flowers! That's what I thought of as soon as I saw it.
Finally, I have put together and fInished off my green blanket. I think it would be nice for a little boy's room, or a lap blanket. It is not large, just the size for a little boy.
finally finished. It was fun making it, and thinking of some little boy snuggled in it someday. Now onto another project. Must start doing Christmas gifts, because before I know it, Christmas will be here. First, Thanksgiving, because that is my very favorite holiday. I've been doing my planning.

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