Saturday, December 14, 2013


Hello all!  And welcome to my little piece of the world!

I have soooo much to do, but today I am taking time off to go to tea!  At the English Rose Tea Room in Carefree, Az.

.i must get this blanket finished, as I have to mail it across the country, as well as other gifts, and the little tidbits need to be finished, too!, of course.  

But for now ......  TEA!  I am so excited, as they are having a Winter Festival, in Carefree as well today, so that will make it even nicer.  It's quite cool right now, about 42 degrees, but will warm up a little later.   So I'll be back with some photos and blabbering  about my tea with my niece and her friends.    later.......JO

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