What a month or so we have had! Surgery for a brother-in-law, a bad fall for my brother, gout for me, and carpal tunnel surgery and dentistry for my hubby, E. Now recoveries for all, thank goodness. But also, happy things, of course. Gorgeous flowers abound, the weather has been beautiful, patio loafing for me, a niece visiting, and our 51st anniversary.

n old plow, which would have to be
horse driven, a seat from some kind of farm implement, a riding plow, wagon wheels, etc. He got out of the car, and told me what each one was, and reminisced about our time on the farm. He loved that time of our life, as did I. We love to talk about those times, the animals, gardens, haying, neighbors, etc. We still have contact with some of them. The neighbors, that is. That was such a simple life, having a pot luck dinner with friends and neighbors, ice skating, sliding with the kids, walking the dogs in the fields, milking a cow, and making butter, and homemade ice cream, helping to hay, birthing a calf, chickens, and a million more things. Oh, I miss it even more when I talk about it. And I know he misses it even more.

Well, now you've heard what I have been doing for the past month or so. What have you been up to? Any crochet or knit projects? I am ready to put together the long-awaited purple afghan for my grandaughter. So I had better get busy.
See you all........Later...........JO
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