I'm back from tea! What a wonderful time we had for the day! We arrived a little early as we had been told that there was a Winter Festival going on in the immediate area today. We walked around for about a half hour taking in the sights at various booths. But we knew that tea was waiting, so we hurried over to the tea room.
I had been there before, but the other two girls had not ever been to "tea", so they really enjoyed the delights that were served, and the tea room itself.
We chose pretty hats for ourselves, took our time with tea, and even took pictures for others, and had some taken for ourselves. We all enjoyed it, and the girls decided that next time, they would invite their mothers, and a couple of neighbors. So we are on in a month or so. Yay!
We even
encountered a couple of folks who were going to be in the parade later, and they were kind enough to pose for us.
My niece is my new partner for tea now, as she is my sister's daughter, and as such, the tea room is a special place to her, also.

a wonderful day, and by the way, the temperatures were in the high sixties for most of the day, so it was the loveliest of days all around. While we were walking around, we saw this festive dog with his owner, and I couldn't resist asking him to pose for a photo.
AND I got to bring leftovers home, namely scones, jam, and clotted cream! Ooooohhhh, be still my heart (and stomach), for it awaits in the fridge!
Hello Joanne! Thank you for visiting me! Have wonderful Christmas Days!