Oh, I have been busy! You have too! We are all busy at this time of year. I haven't felt this happy about Christmas for a long time. I am just having fun, and sharing all your blogs make me really appreciate the season. I have very little family here that can get together, so I get together with all of you, virtually! Thank you. You have no idea how much my life has improved since I got involved in the blog world, and got back into crocheting and knitting.
So first of all is the lovely little gifts I received from Stef at Crochetapy! You know I love my tea, so that was nice, and the little folder for charge cards, or tea bags to carry with me is so cute. The snowflakes reminded me of the snow that I miss from New England, so I loved all my gifts. Thank you, Stephanie!
My good friend , Jeanette, had a birthday , so I whipped up this beautiful cowl for her, and guess what?! When she got it, she called to say "what do I do with it? She had never worn one, but she loves it now that I told her how to wear it. She lives in Delaware where it is colder. Happy Birthday, dear friend.

Next, I made this wonderful, delicious vegetable chowder for dinner last nite. Oh, it was so good. I don't know where she got the recipe from, but my sister sent it to me years ago, before I lived in Arizona. Now that it is winter here, albeit not like the winters I remember from New England, I keep soup as a regular on my menus at least once a week. Everyone loves soup in the cooler days, don't they?

And lastly, but not leastly, are my projects that I am working on. I have several going. Most are for gifts, so I am working on the ones that have to travel to their rightful owners before Christmas. And now, Jeanette just called and asked me to make two cowls for gifts for her daughter and daughter in law. Ooooeeee. Now, I am busier! My hubby has never seen me crochet this much, and he smiles as I work. And I think I have made the yarn stores a bit richer!!! I have bags and bags in my closet. Hehe. I will share pictures of finished projects after Christmas, hopefully.
I lied about the lastly thing. I have one more thing. I would love to hear comments on my blog, if you are so inclined. I so love hearing what you are doing, or if you enjoy my goings on, so I welcome you to jot me a short note if you can. I appreciate all the comments.
Take good care of yourselves, stay warm and cozy, happy hooking, and sewing, and crafting, AND cooking and let us all remember the reason for Christmas! Later....... JO
Oops! Somehow, the photo of the cowl got left out, but you get the drift, right? Love you all. JO